Goats beware!
I wrote about Chupa today because my ten year old, who is very into art and everything weird, kept hounding me with drawings of the chimeric monster. Armed with his colorful portrayals, he has made it his business to try and convince every single adult that he has met this summer about the Chupacabra's existence.
[You can imagine how the
skeptics look at me whenever he goes into one of his Chupacabra
This one is a little
controversial because, regardless of the fact that it's legend is
deeply rooted in actual facts, eye witnesses can't seem to settle the
matter of it's appearance, the only constant being it's MO, that it
drains its poor furry victims of their blood. Hence the given name,
coined by puertorrican comedian Silverio Pérez, which literally
translates to Goat Sucker.
It's first reported attacks date back to 1975 in Moca, Puerto Rico. Although, back then they nicknamed the sneaky beast, El Vampiro de Moca (Moca's Vampire). Most thought it was a joke and some even claimed that it was the work of a satanic cult.

[Seriously? I'll let that one slide because Paul hadn't come out yet and they didn't know then what we know now, that aliens don't suck the blood out of the chickens, they eat them whole!]
I was just ten years old
myself when the Chupacabra took over the news, monopolizing every
story until everything was tied to it. It got to the point that if
some rich old lady's poodles were found dead... ^gasp^ the Chupacabra
did it!

But, the 1994 film adaptation of Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire had already shown us the truth behind the strange happenings. If people wanted to believe in weird looking alien monsters rather than a certain beautiful, yet tortured, immortal, that was their deal. I knew better.
Chupa's attacks have
reportedly been centered on Puerto Rico, although Mexico and a few
other countries in the Old and New continents haven't escaped the
little devils unscathed.

So if some idiot ever asks you where's Scooby, you know what to tell them. He's running from Chupa!
Another string of attacks began in 2004, this time in Texas. Unlike in Puerto Rico, a farmer was able to document the sighting and even found the dead something that had been terrorizing his livestock. It looked like a hairless cross between a dog, a coyote and a kangaroo with fangs so big that they would make even the most ferocious tiger proud.
As it always happens, the
government stepped in and took the carcass for testing and concluded
that it was just some kind of coyote-dog hybrid with mange.
If you've ever seen a dog with sarcoptic mange, you know that it's not a pretty sight.
No one has ever bothered to try to explain why these so called “coyotes with mange” behave so alike whether they're in Mexico, Texas or Russia.

Also in 2004, the Syfy Channel funded an expedition to the Island of Enchantment (Puerto Rico) with the objective of finding tangible proof that would confirm the reality of the Chupacabra myth. They didn't find much and at the end, they were left with more fantastic stories that they'd bargained for, a whole new set of questions that would be left unanswered and a book.
So, what is it?
^ominous voice^ The world
may never know...
The Chupacabra can simply be
a mangy coyote drawn out of the mountains by a seasonal drought, the
hottest and most sensitive vampire to have ever walked the Earth or
it may just be a blood sucking canine creature from outer space.
You decide.
[Tell you one thing, though... I'm certainly not farming any animals on the near future, just to be safe.]
# # #
P.S. My debut novel, ShadowRiser, became available yesterday. Click on it's name to check
it out!!!
Until next Monster Wednesday! ;)

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